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Picasso Museum: Skip the line

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Picasso Museum: Skip the line

Od 465 Kč

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Visit the Pablo Picasso Museum at your leisure with this ticket. The museum is located in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, in one of the Marais's most stunning hôtel particuliers.


- Visit the Picasso Museum in Paris
- Admire the over 5,000 works by Picasso
- See paintings, sculptures, prints, & drawings
- Bring children under 18 for free

Co mohu očekávat?

The Picasso Museum contains more than 5,000 works by the celebrated 20th century Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso. It is the only collection in the world that includes works in all the media Picasso worked with: paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings.

Here you can also learn all about the artist's creative process through notebooks, photographs, films, and documents.

Jak to funguje?

How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete your e-ticket will be send directly to your email.

Kategorie vstupenek

Dospělý (18+)
Dítě (4-17)
Dítě (0-3): Zdarma


Ne, 30 bře 2025

Vratné vstupenky Vratné vstupenky
Možnost vrácení vstupenek do 48 hodin před datem představení. Na vrácení může se může vztahovat storno poplatek až 20 % (na vstupenku).

Okamžité potvrzení

Akceptovány kupóny na mobilním telefonu


Picasso Museum: Skip the line

5, Rue de Thorigny, 75003, Paris


Zákaznická linka

228 880 877 228 880 877

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