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The Royal Palace: Guided Tour

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The Royal Palace: Guided Tour

Od 1 124 Kč

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The Royal Palace (Palacio Real de Madrid) is an absolute must-see when you're visiting Madrid. The beautiful castle is one of the best preserved castles in Europe and is well-worth exploring. 


- Skip the line to the Royal Palace
- Enjoy a guided tour of the palace
- Visit one of the best preserved palaces in Europe
- Explore this must-see when in Madrid
- Walk the halls like royals before you

Co mohu očekávat?

Meet your tour guide and the rest of your group at the Julià Travel office and continue to the Royal Palace, which is only a short walk away.

The Royal Palace was built in the XVIII century upon the ancient Baroque Italian style fortress of the Habsburg. It is one of the most beautiful and best preserved palaces in Europe and a symbol of the permanence and consolidation of Madrid as the capital of the Kingdom. The Palace was the official residence of the Spanish Monarchy from 1765 to 1931.

The most stunning receptions of the Spanish Crown are celebrated here: audiences, dinner parties, signature of agreements and the traditional ceremony of presentation of Credential Letters from foreign ambassadors to the King. 

Jak to funguje?

How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete your e-ticket will be sent directly to your email, just print it out and bring it on your tour. 


St, 9 čec 2025

Vratné vstupenky Vratné vstupenky
Možnost vrácení vstupenek do 48 hodin před datem představení. Na vrácení může se může vztahovat storno poplatek až 20 % (na vstupenku).

Okamžité potvrzení

Akceptovány kupóny na mobilním telefonu

Živý průvodce

Doba trvání: 1 Hodiny 30 Minuty

Čas odchodu


The Royal Palace: Guided Tour

Calle San Nicolás, 15 28013 Madrid


Zákaznická linka

228 880 877 228 880 877

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